Lorain County Bicycle Club


We sponsor three special events throughout the year with the “Red Flannel Metric Century” as our club signature event.  The first two events are unsupported which means there are no provided maps, rest stops, arrows, or SAG. However, the routes pass by places where you can stop and buy food. The third event is the Red Flannel which is fully supported and includes maps, two food stops, arrows, and SAG support. Maps are available on the club’s Ride with GPS site.

All riders are required to wear an approved bike helmet to participate.

Cyclists share  the road with motorists, other cyclists and all  forms of two- and four-legged creatures. You will increase both your enjoyment and safety by making sure that you understand the factors associated with different rides and events. These include vehicles, pedestrians, animals, other riders and road conditions (including weather, hazards and laws peculiar to where you will be riding). One unofficial site for information on Ohio bike laws is Bike Cleveland. Another useful reference is the Ohio Department of Transportation’s (ODOT’s) Cycling Smarter Guide.

More information on each event is below. Email us with any questions or concerns at rides@loraincountybicyclelub.org

Other cycling events in Ohio can be found on the Ohio Bicycle Events Calendar.




Jerry’s Jeromesville Journey

Jerry's Jeromesville Journey (JJJ) has been a traditional club century ride (100 miles) for over 30 years. All who ride it find it offers a challenge due to the hills and possible wind.  The northern half (in Lorain County) is mostly flat.  The terrain starts to give way to some rollers as you get into Ashland County, and a tough one comes just outside Hayesville.  The ride home gets easier (if that's possible in a century) as you get farther north.  The route loses altitude as you make your way toward Oberlin. This is an unsupported ride there are no provided maps, rest stops, arrows, or SAG support.  However, the routes pass by places where you can stop and buy food. Maps are available on the club’s Ride with GPS site.

REGISTRATION: Day-of registration will be from 7:00am to 8:30am and you may start at your leisure. Most riders will leave at 8:00am. 

WHEN: Saturday May 25, 2024


Oberlin Gasholder Building
291 South Main Street
Oberlin, OH 44074

Click here to get the maps on the club’s Ride with GPS site


Roast Your Buns

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Roast Your Buns

August weather in Lorain County is usually hot and dry, hence the name of the ride. We could have a thunderstorm in the afternoon, but fingers crossed for clear weather! This is a free, unsupported ride through rural areas in Lorain and nearby counties.  There will be one route with three cutoffs to provide routes of approximately 28, 52 and 75 miles.  This is an unsupported ride so there are no provided maps, rest stops, arrows, or SAG support.  However, the routes pass by places where you can stop and buy food. Maps are available on the club’s Ride with GPS site.

REGISTRATION: Day-of registration will be from 7:00am to 8:30am and you may start at your leisure. Most riders will leave at 8:00am.  Pre-registration is optional.

WHEN: When: Sunday August 4, 2024


Oberlin Gasholder Building
291 South Main Street
Oberlin, OH 44074

Click here to get the maps on the club’s Ride with GPS site


Red Flannel

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Red Flannel Metric Century and Metric Half Century

This is the 50th annual Red Flannel Metric Century (61 miles), half metric (32 miles) and 25 miles Flatlander Routes. The metric century ride will start in Oberlin, Ohio and take you through Mill Hollow, heading west, mostly following Mason and Darrow Roads, and enter Milan via River Road where the first food stop is located (in Edison Park).  From there, you will begin to head back, going through Berlin Heights, then south on Florence-Wakeman Road to Garfield Road and home. The Flatlander uses the North Coast Inland Trail and Firelands Rails to Trails from Oberlin to Wakeman and return. It is a fully supported ride including maps, SAG support, and arrows.   Homemade Chili, soups and cookies at the end for all riders.

Maps will be available on the club’s Ride with GPS site.


Preregistration is required through Eventbrite.

On-site day of event registration begins at 8:00am, Most riders will leave by 9:00am.

WHEN: Sunday November 3, 2024

START location:

The Lodge of New Russia Township
46300 Butternut Ridge Rd.
Oberlin, OH 44074

Click here to get the maps on the club’s Ride with GPS site.